Bran Sakr

Bran Sakr

What I do:

I am a problem-solver who loves to help people achieve their highest success. I love technology and implement it whenever possible. I am also an expert with hand crafted sketches, concepts, prototypes and working with various tools. I love the great outdoors and want to focus my energy in enhancing sustainability whenever possible.

My experiences:

I have helped many clients tackle problems that were restricting their agility in business. I have acquired certifications to enhance my skillsets. I have led and managed teams to generate creative solutions from unorthodox methodologies from my diverse knowledge of many industries.

My Special Sauce:

I want to transition to the drone industry and apply my knowledge of product development, technology implementation, and most importantly, working with customers to solve their most challenging problems. I am open to learn anything, as this industry is fascinating to me.

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- Bran Sakr
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Bran Sakr

Updated Oct 25, 2023